I get many questions from parents around how to care for their child after a circumcision.
Hopefully this video is a helpful guide.
How can I tell if my son has an infection?
I get emails all the time about white discharge and funny smells and swelling. These things are all normal and are not a good clue to infection. A child with an infection at the circumcision site will tell us by being in pain with every nappy change from around day 3.
If you email asking about:
Swelling - I'll say its normal
Funny smells - these can be normal
Redness - this can also be normal
White discharge - its called slough and is how this part of the body heals (quite similar to a mouth ulcer)
Pain - Possibly an infection and may need some antibiotics, email me and let me know and we can get on it quick smart. In addition please remember that paracetamol syrup can be used to manage comfort at home with most boys needing this for 1-2 days after the procedure.
But it’s ok to email if you are uncertain.
When will the ring fall off?
In most instances its around day 7 but can be up to day 10. If its still hanging on by day ten then shoot me an email as I may need to have a look and help gently remove it.
One of the other common emails I get is around the time when the ring is separating and the family is uncertain how to manage the situation.
I would encourage:
A slightly firm nappy
Regular Salt water baths for comfort
Simple pain relief such as Panadol if the child is uncomfortable due to movement of the ring
Remember once the ring has begun separating there is somewhere between 12-24 hours before its all over and you are close to the finish line.
Any other questions I havent answered here - ask them at ask@drmoz.com.au and I'll let you know my thoughts!